October 21, 2024


A nice shiny new Art

Advantages of Canvas Art and Prints

Advantages of Canvas Art and Prints

Canvas prints can be simply defined as a variation of art that prints a digital photo, still photo, turn slide, negative or even someone’s actual drawings onto a canvas. There are printers that can perform this job effectively. This is a comparatively new phenomenon, one of the prime reasons why canvas is opted for than other means is because of its economical cost, its unique characteristic to last for many hundred years to come and the visually artistic value that it carries.

For canvas prints, it should be made sure that one orders it from a renowned and established print house. One should also consider the feedback of existing customers. Print houses are a common sight these days and can one easily gain access to the addresses from yellow pages etc. Canvas printings has other benefits as well, such as that there is no long wait required as usually with paintings one has to wait for a long duration before an artist can commit to a customer.

Canvas prints are the ideal alternatives to paintings and serve as decorative pieces for homes and offices. Paintings on the other hand are pricey as the artist invests a lot of time and effort into making one. However one can get a beautiful canvas print for less than a fraction of the cost that one is paying to the artist. Moreover canvas prints add to the congeniality of the environment.

Canvas prints have become a hot commodity and are bringing in handsome returns in art centers especially in cosmopolitan cities like New York. A piece bought today could bring in double the money in the near future so it is a good investment as well. Paintings and sculptures on the other hand are long-term investments and requires heavy amount of money to buy in the first place.

Also canvas art can provide for very good presents on varying festive occasions. It can be made to be a customized gift that not only raises the emotive factor in the present but rather serves practical purpose as well when it is used for decorative purposes. On the other hand, sculptures and paintings are very expensive and cannot be afforded by all and sundry for handing out as presents.

Another benefit is that one has the liberty to experiment with the creation as one can mould it according to ones individual tastes ad liking. If one has opted to contact a print house rather than doing it oneself, then it is mandatory that the print house give out previews so that the final product is according to the customers liking. However if one chooses to do it oneself, then the element of personalization is even more overwhelming as one has put in all the effort and time. But on the downside, it requires a lot of effort. As a comparison, paintings and sculptures do not bring in the “personalization” element unless one has the natural talent and expertise to make them.