October 22, 2024


A nice shiny new Art

Best Actress Sandra Bullock Gets a Retrospective on Satellite TV

Best Actress Sandra Bullock Gets a Retrospective on Satellite TV

If you were compiling a list of the great female actresses of our time, you might put down quite a few before even considering Sandra Bullock. However, as she showed in The Blind Side, she’s more than worthy of her own statuette and should be proud of her many career achievements. Although she may be the most popular actress of the current era – and thus is dealt a number of fluff roles – there are some excellent performances in her past. Check out these five pictures on satellite TV to see Sandra Bullock at her best.

1. Speed. Like a bus careening through L.A. freeways, this film brought Bullock right into the eyes and thoughts of the filmgoing public. She may never have been as sexy and engaging as she is in Speed. In a commotion of raw energy, nerves and fear, she is the civilian representative in the trio of terrorist (Dennis Hopper), policeman (Keanu Reeves) and public. For those who haven’t seen the film, it’s all about the ride that cannot stop. See Bullock at her best in HD on premium satellite TV network HBO.

2. Miss Congeniality. If Speed was the grand opening statement in Bullock’s career, Miss Congeniality was definitely the exclamation point. Watching this film, it’s easy to see why audiences find it so easy to identify with Bullock and why she has become such a big star. As a tough FBI agent forced to go soft and pretty in aid of her job, Bullock brings all of her charm and self-effacing humor to the task. Check out this film on any number of satellite TV networks.

3. Infamous. Of all the strange coincidences in Hollywood, the production of Infamous and Capote almost simultaneously is one of the oddest ones of all. Nonetheless, viewers who take the bias from the excellent film starring Phillip Seymour Hoffman will miss something special in Infamous. Bullock is right in the heart of an excellent ensemble cast as she portrays Harper Lee, author of To Kill a Mockingbird, who joined Truman Capote as he went to investigate the killings which later were the basis for In Cold Blood. See this film on Showtime.

4. While You Were Sleeping. Another big shot in the arm for Bullock’s career was this 1995 romantic comedy which followed on the heels of Speed. Bullock shows off the softer side of her repertoire with Bill Pullman. While the plot is somewhat less than believable, this is par for the romantic comedy course, so sit just back and enjoy.

5. Crash. For many people, Bullock’s role in Crash was an eye-opener. Among her most serious roles, she delivers perhaps her best performance. Life is vacant for her and it takes a violent encounter with street criminals to awaken her to the realities of life in modern L.A. See this Oscar-winning film uncut on premium satellite TV networks.